Setting Goals for 2021 | Makse Life & Inkwell Press
The new year is quickly approaching and it's time to set goals for 2021! To get the ball rolling I spent a few days brainstorming, thinking, talking with Matt and doing goal setting activities to get clear on what I wanted to accomplish this coming year. I looked at my goals and Makse Life Compass Assessment from last year, reflected, used my 2020 Reflection Workbook and then put pen to paper.
I'm coming into 2021 with a more concise focus and clearer intentions than in past years which feels great!
Check out my latest video to see my goal setting process and I used my Inkwell Press & Makse Life planners to figure out my goals.
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Purchase a Makse Life Planner! Also be sure to check our Makse Life coordinating sticker collection!
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