Makselife Planner Color Changes
Makselife planners launched last week, did you order one?
If so, just a reminder planners don't start shipping until November 10th, 2022. While that wait is tough, it does give us here at Knockout Print Shop time to update the Makselife color palette for our stickers.
Why did Makselife Update Colors
Many Makselife users are functional planners and use highlighters to color coordinate and plan. For the past two years, all of us have been using Mildliner Highlighters and trying to get the closest match possible to each area of life color, but it hasn't been spot on. So Makselife decide to take things into their own hands and create their own highlighters - Makse Markers. Doing so meant they had to subtly tweak the area of life color palette to match the highlighter colors accurately.
KOPS Makselife Coordinating Collection
While the 2023 Makselife planner is incredibly neutral this year, and the color changes are subtle, we still want to give you the closest match to these new colors that we can. Some of our current Makselife colors are still a great match, but others need some reworking. So that means Matt and I have to spend some time tweaking our Makselife coordinating sticker colors.
This process will take us a little time, but we plan to have the colors updated by the time you have your 2023 Makselife planner in hand. If you're struggling with waiting, you can definitely order anything in our current Makselife collection and it will work great, but if you are a fan of "matchy-matchy" like me, I'd hold off ordering until we get everything updated.
We will let everyone know via our weekly newsletter when the new colors are ready. Be sure to join the KO VIP list, if you haven't already.
In the meantime, check out the picture below to see the color comparisons for our current Makselife Coordinating Color Palettes. Some still work, but you can see others will benefit from adjusting.

Thanks for your patience
We appreciate your patience with this update. In a perfect world we could get you every listing for every planner we make stickers for updated before the planner launches, but unfortunately we are basically a one-person team (Matt does it all) and we don't have insider access to color codes and changes prior to launches.
We have a busy week this week on the farm, but next week Matt will be locked in the Knockout Print Shop studio working his color matching magic.
Affiliate Links
Here's my affiliate link if you are interested in purchasing a 2023 Makselife planner and accessories.
*this post contains affiliate links. If you purchase using our links we do get a small commission and truly appreciate your support.