Planner Prep 101 - Tip #3: Get down all time based things first!
Today we bring you planner prep tip #3...
planner prep #101 - Tip #3: Get down all time based things first!
You put down major dates in your monthly view, but those might not necessarily be time sensitive so now it's time to get the time sensitive stuff down in your monthly then weekly views. Start with your monthly view! I personally like to approach this step one month at a time unless I know the exact times of things for coming months (but planning too far ahead with time sensitive stuff may result in having to scratch out a lot because #lifechanges). So look at your monthly calendar for this month (and maybe next month too) and write down time sensitive events... Hair appointments, kids sports practice, workout classes, etc....anything with a specific time associated with it! Next let's dive into the weekly view! Again I don't like to plan too far ahead so I do this one week at a time. Open your planner to the weekly view for this week and write down your time sensitive things first (refer to your monthly view to make sure you don't miss anything)... Meetings, appointments, kids appointments, workouts with your trainer, etc! The key is to start with time sensitive things first so you don't overbook or try to do more than humanly possible! Once you know where your committed & uncommitted time is then you can figure out how many other things you can realistically get done! Check out our appointment/events section to find a bunch of stickers to help you nail this task!January 08, 2019
by Jessica Lewis