Planner Prep 101 0 Tip #1: Decide what areas to plan
This week we are bringing you a simple tip each day to help you prep your planner for 2019! Sometimes looking at those blank pages in your brand new planner can be overwhelming! Where do I start? What should I put down? How do I use this thing?
planner prep 101: Tip #1 - Decide what areas of your life to use your planner for. While some people use multiple planners, dedicating a planner to each area of their lives, a lot of us prefer to stick with one planner (including me). So for those of you using one planner the first thing to do is ask yourself what areas of your life will you keep track of in your planner?
1️⃣ Work Schedule/Meetings/Events
2️⃣ Personal Appointments/Events
3️⃣ School
4️⃣ Kid Stuff (sports, school events, etc)
5️⃣ Finances (bills due, pay days, etc)
6️⃣ Health & Fitness (workout schedule, meals, etc)
7️⃣ Hobbies
8️⃣ Habit Tracking
9️⃣ Goal Setting
🔟 Creative, Spiritual, ....
Once you've nailed down what you will use your planner for setting it up is much easier! What are you using your planner for this year?